Kaba Presents: Music of the Day

Ichiko Aoba - A playlist with rain sounds

A typhoon blows across Tokyo and Ichiko Aoba plays in my apartment

Ichiko Aoba - A playlist with rain sounds

A typhoon blows across Tokyo and Ichiko Aoba plays in my apartment

Everyone is asleep, except you - ambient playlist

Thursday, May 11th. 疲れている時にこの音楽はとても気持ちいいaf(笑)私のように、あと4日で大学を卒業するものです。おめでとうbbこのプロジェクトに集中できるようになったので、ショップを再開することにしたんだ。一誠と一緒に洋服を作り始めるので、何か期待していてください。 -- english: This music feels so good when you're tired af lol If you're like me, you're graduating college in four days. おめでとうbb To celebrate I've...

Everyone is asleep, except you - ambient playlist

Thursday, May 11th. 疲れている時にこの音楽はとても気持ちいいaf(笑)私のように、あと4日で大学を卒業するものです。おめでとうbbこのプロジェクトに集中できるようになったので、ショップを再開することにしたんだ。一誠と一緒に洋服を作り始めるので、何か期待していてください。 -- english: This music feels so good when you're tired af lol If you're like me, you're graduating college in four days. おめでとうbb To celebrate I've...

Radiohead - Weird Fishes/ Arpeggi

Thursday, March 30th. This post is my attempt at fluidity through writing. I want to achieve nothing from this writing except the determination to have written something to do something....

Radiohead - Weird Fishes/ Arpeggi

Thursday, March 30th. This post is my attempt at fluidity through writing. I want to achieve nothing from this writing except the determination to have written something to do something....

City Street Sounds at 5:00 AM - 3/26/23

I’ve never been one to wake up from a dream but a few moments ago I found myself in just that scenario. I don’t want to get into the grit...

City Street Sounds at 5:00 AM - 3/26/23

I’ve never been one to wake up from a dream but a few moments ago I found myself in just that scenario. I don’t want to get into the grit...

Aphex Twin - Early Morning Works (Unofficial)

Tue, December 6th. I've got some homework to do for University back in the States. This has been an early morning in Tokyo. Went to bed early too. It's raining...

Aphex Twin - Early Morning Works (Unofficial)

Tue, December 6th. I've got some homework to do for University back in the States. This has been an early morning in Tokyo. Went to bed early too. It's raining...

Nick Drake - One of these things first

Monday, November 14th So I’m on the train, in Tokyo, heading towards some place. I need to get my part time work permit and that requires me visiting a government...

Nick Drake - One of these things first

Monday, November 14th So I’m on the train, in Tokyo, heading towards some place. I need to get my part time work permit and that requires me visiting a government...