MFakka - Shadows

Fri, September 30th.

It's 7:00 AM and I'm Facetiming with my partner. They're currently laying in their hotel bed, watching me write this, hitting their juul. I bought a bunch of juul pods for them lol. $200 worth!

This isn't a song that I particularly wanted to hear, it's just the first song in a mix that I turned on. Here's the mix if you're interested...

I really like the artwork on this. The layout for the entire video is quite nice actually, with the music there on the left side, in front of the teal green. It's a good color choice to match the tones on the right.

The school in Japan reached out to me. No date yet for my new COE but I've been given a Zoom link for the classes. I'll be doing the classes at 6:00 PM Mountain Time. Works out well I suppose.


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