Aphex Twin - #3

Wed, September 21st.

If you're feeling any emotion quite strongly, take some time to hear this song. If you want to ride that emotion, stay in its pocket and really feel it, listen to this song. It has the ability to keep you grounded in your feeling and lets you think about the feeling. This has always been one of my favorite Aphex Twin tracks and I'm happy to share it with you.

It's 6:43 AM, I left Denver around 5:20 and just arrived home. I often wish I had more time to spend in the morning just doing what I want so only getting an hour of morning time to myself is lame.

I'm just looking at my whiteboard and I'm thinking about the move. My partner is leaving soon and I wish nothing more than to join them. This calendar has written down "MOVING DAY!" on the 29th. Damn.

I bought some muffins from Costco! That's breakfast. I've also got goat milk. Damn.


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