Lulu Rouge - Will He Come

Tue, September 27th.

My coworker was playing Nina Simone at work the other day and I was really into it. Took a shower this morning and this Lulu Rouge song started up. Nina Simone Dub Step? Fuck yeah. 
I missed a blog post yesterday… damn. I took time off to go to Denver and hangout with the lover before they depart for Tokyo. I slept in with them until about 9:30 and just had a full day doing stuff. Never had time to post and then when I finally got some time I felt like just skipping it because I’m a lazy bastard.

When I was at my studio on Sunday, I spent a good two hours throwing stuff away and getting ready for my own move. I’ve got so many books it’s crazy. I didn’t throw any of them away but what the fuck should I do with all of them? 

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