Hidden Agenda's Drum & Bass Mix 3

Fri, October 21st.

 I was taking a shower and decided I wanted to change up the music I listen to while lathering my luscious hair. Normally it's either some Aphex Twin ambient mix or Sting. Earlier while working outside I was tweaking out to this mix and thought I'd give it another go while showering. I fucking loved it.

Everyone has a dream, I'd love to know what your dream is. Hit me up on Instagram or something and let's talk about our north star goals, our desires to achieve in life. My dream is rooted on this idea of being the life of the party. I'd love to have my artwork in someones house and it just makes people talk. I'd love to do an art show where I hire like 20 young guys to just run around the outside of this circle while DnB slams into the airspace and old art snobs are just... tf is going on while trying to see the art I've got on the walls. I'd love to host a skating event where people just enjoy each others company and some DJ plays a set, all while some of my favorite skaters just throw down on this good looking popup. Honestly I've got so many dreams, those are just the few I came up with while taking this shower. I guess my true dream is to thrive in live because I did what I wanted to do; create art for people to enjoy.

I respect the people who respect my identity. I cherish the people that believe in me because it helps me believe in them. Nothing gets me down more than having someone fight me emotionally because they don't like what I do. I've had a few people contact me and say what I'm doing is garbage, that I'm not a real brand, ya-da-ya-da. I can't agree with them because really at the end of the day it's just me trying to be honest with myself. *I'm not really a brand I suppose, just some kid making shit in their attic. One day perhaps.

The other day, someone messaged me and was very, very positive. They wrote to me saying they love what I'm trying to accomplish, they read this blog, and they're excited to see what Kaba gets into. I loved that and I respect that person immensely because of that. Being a creator is taxing and the fuel ain't cheap. When someone goes out of their way to boost my confidence like that, it keeps me going for a long while.

This isn't a good blog post, I'm hyped up on carbs and chocolate while bumping drum and bass lol. I just wanted to share what I'm listening to and figured I could say some words.

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