Fuubutsushi - Bolted Orange


Tue, June 28th.

Sometimes a song or an album will find you at the perfect time. The self-titled album Fuubutsushi by Fuubutsushi is one of those times.

Mixed with soft piano and an even softer sax, this song builds to nowhere and it finds me peace. I started listening to it when I was making daily doodles for Youtube.

As a side note; on Tuesday and Wednesday I'm off work so I sleep in. Therefore this is posted later in the day than I'd normally post.

For the day, I plan on hanging out with my partner and going to see Fruits Basket at the local cinema. No Kaba work today. I miss being around my studio but it's nice to get away sometimes.

Issei started working on the new video for Lost in Translation. It's taking all the footage we didn't use and piecing it together. I got to watch a bit of it earlier and it's amazing. I'm really happy with Issei, Trent, and Harrison. I wasn't sure about hiring a team manager to help with the video but leaving Trent and Issei while I worked didn't seem like a good idea. They all did a great job.

Yesterday I left the place I was house-sitting and I finished the SoSB series. That'll be released on the 15th of July. Still figuring out how I should promote it. I've also been looking at SEO stuff for Google. I want to get the brand growing by using tech to my advantage. Not sure how but I'll figure something out.

Sorry if you expected a better blog post, It's my day off!


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