Fri, September 2nd.
It’s Interesting when Dom Whiting goes and bikes around with his setup, but sometimes if you just want some good House music with songs that hold a DnB vibe, you might just want to stay home. Chris Luno teaches us that Covid wasn’t all bad, despite government restrictions. A lot of the songs in this mix remind me of Donkey Kong soundtrack funnily enough.
it is 6:19 AM. My new alarm clock woke me out of bed around 5:55 AM. It’s literally a lamp that just shines at you until you wake up. It works really well and I’m often surprised I woke up. I guess it imitates sunlight to give you a more natural awakening. I snagged it on Amazon.
Here’s the thing, I would post the link for it on Amazon but I read somewhere that you don’t want to give your customers/ viewers the chance to leave. So you’re stuck here with me. Why not just buy 3 skate decks from my shop, leave a note saying “I don’t need the decks, just need you to buy me one of those lamps. Serious.” Because 1. That would give me a few leftover bucks to put back into Kaba. 2. I don’t have to ship anything.
Here’s a little thing I realized over the last few months. Shipping stuff sucks. I don’t know if you’re a small business owner but can we be honest with ourselves? The process of shipping something is so bullshit. I’ve got a million things to do in my day and shipping a single skate deck forces me to stop everything and commit 15 minutes to putting wood in a box. Now hear me out please… I love getting sales. I love the little ding that Shopify gives me (the Kaching noise, Basically just proving Pavlov’s Dog theory that I’m a fucking scrub who gets off to the sound of a cash register). But what I can’t understand is the love for packing a box. I often think Kaba would be more successful if I hired a damn employee to help with shipping and everything else. Perhaps I will hire somebody in Japan and that will motivate me to push into peoples faces harder. HEY LOOK IM KABA AND I MAKE SKATE DECKS AND PAINT!!!
School has been blowing my ass. It’s not difficult just tedious. I think I’ve spent twenty years in school… that’s assuming I started school in 1st grade. Now, mom if you’re reading this, it’s not that I hate school or not trying… it’s just that… well yeah I guess I’m just not trying. Im tired of school! I want to just graduate already and dance around with my degree for two minutes before I get distracted. Here’s something I will say about school that is good for someone who’s a bit older like me… It is something to do lol. With too much free time I think I’d just masturbate a lot or sleep more. Both of which can be healthy but overdoing either leads to a messy bed.
ughhhh… just stretched. It’s now 6:35 AM and I should do something else before work. One last thing however. If you know what Ethereum is or Vitalik Buterin, you should look at Vitalik’s blog. He talks about ethereum a lot but sometimes he talks about life and stuff. I say life but it’s really just a blog post describing the perfect travel backpack. His blog is interesting and it’s cool listening to a smart cookie talk about things. I mean, the dude invented a new currency using computers (which are just rocks that we taught how to think) lol think about that idea. Computers are just mined ore and rocks that we convinced should be able to think.