Aphex Twin Ambient Mix

Thu, June 30th.

There are plenty of great playlists on Youtube that showcase the talent of Richard David James. Some people enjoy his uppers like Windowlicker, while others (like me) prefer his slowed down stuff like #3 and Avril 14th. Whatever the case is, if you're unfamiliar with Aphex Twin, please find time to listen.

At times fully ambient and other times just dishing out soft chords on a piano, Aphex Twin creates music that awakens you while also letting you sleep. I'm not going to act like the best music reviewer in the world but I will show you great music.

The goal for today is to work a bit and then ship some skate decks to Salida, Colorado. I got a nice hefty order from Stacy over at Ramps and Alleys. Thanks for the support, Stacy! I also have to ship a few personal orders from customers that I've been chatting with. Namely the kid in Massachusetts. Your small support helps me so much you have no idea.

After getting those orders sent out, I plan on tackling some of the stuff I brought up yesterday. Namely I'd like to get the blog started for skateboard specifics ie how to do X etc.

Yesterday I did end up tackling a bit of SEO stuff like I planned but being with my partner and all, I ended up just vibing with them and chilling. We watched some NHK videos and I showed them some ideas for collabs in the future. It's always a real possibility that Kaba could do collaborations.

I also said yesterday that it's important to focus your brand on specifics. Kaba to me is essentially my art. I should focus the brand to only advertise my art. Perhaps advertise is the wrong word here but the idea is Kaba should showcase the art of Kaba. Easy enough.

Issei is working on some shirts over in Tokyo and I'm doing my thing here. New video on the way as well.

If you're reading this in the morning and you're calm in the mind, please listen to this Aphex Twin playlist. Here's a great comment that sums up his music (As seen from one of the many Youtube comments) "Stone In Focus IS...THE...MOST immersive piece of ambient atmosphere I've ever encountered. It's transcendent, but yet so simple. It sounds to me like a theme of Earth itself." - Otherworld Escape

Take it easy!

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