Mon, June 27th.

Listening to this music is calming. Learning about Poolrooms is scary af but also super relaxing. The videos I've seen of these things are perhaps the coolest pieces of art I've ever encountered and that's no joke.

Maybe it's one of the things with getting older, but I feel a disconnect to the younger people. I play the same video games as these whippersnappers and I probably look at the same porn but when it comes to creepy pastas, we're at different heights.

I grew up thinking Ben was scary. The fear of a mislabeled Nintendo 64 cartridge. These kids today have the enigmatic fear of no-clipping and run down shopping center-esque places.

I won't explain Backrooms to you and I won't go into detail about why I like them but perhaps it's the societal relationship I've noticed with this trend... Abandoned buildings, people losing work, three stock market crashes in what.... 30 years? There is something to notice but I'm way too tired (and perhaps high) to find out.

Poolrooms are kind of like the strange sisters of Backrooms. They're organic, fluid (haha) and they create nostalgia for the viewer. I remember being a kid and going to an indoor pool at my friends local rec center and this is the complete vibe I get when I try to describe that memory. The only thing missing is the comical frog slide. *Shoutout Charlie B, hope you're well dude.

I should start talking about my dreams and aspirations so I can start doing other work this morning... right. let's see.

Today I hope to watch the new edit of this video Issei has been putting together. Hopefully that can be accomplished before I start work. The other Kaba thing I'd like to get into the bag is narrowing down what kind of ads I'm going to push for this new SoSB series.

Regardless of what I accomplish today, yesterday was pretty chill. I created a video for Instagram that essentially felt like a Ken Burns version of Trent Williams' skating CU Boulder. I added some bird noises to it and the whole shebang. It got like 300 likes so I'm very pleased. I also ordered Chinese Food from my local Longmont place. It's not good Chinese Food but it reminds me of Christmas with my mom.

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